Friday, April 13, 2012


This is what i really don't get how black men light or dark skinned prefer Certain type of black women like to them Light skinned women look better than Dark skinned women, because really its not about the skin color. i consider myself brown skinned and i think i'm beautiful not because of my skin color because of my beauty.. there's a lot of light skinned women that's ugly vice versa to all the african american black women out there, don't let your color let you down !
For the light skinned women that think she look better than a dark skinned women

Now, don't take this personally. ok? you ARENT the best looking color out there, and what i mean by out there is IN THE WORLD. beauty comes in different colors.
doesn't matter if your light or dark.. let me know what you guys think>


1 comment:

  1. la plupar des femmmes a la peau claires se pensent plus joiles que celle a la peau focé et ce sont elle me qui le disent
